Upcoming events

Chakra Journey 3 days in Pune, India
to Mar 2

Chakra Journey 3 days in Pune, India

Experience your seven chakras or energy centers. Find out which you feel at home in, which you can expand, and how to bring them from complexity to harmony.
Using Osho’s guidance on the subtle energy body as a map we will explore the 7 chakras through different meditations and exercises. The aim is to leave the mind aside and experience directly and subjectively the flavor and qualities of each chakra – to enhance our sensitivity and awareness of their subtle energies.

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From Head to Heart to Hara in Pune, India

From Head to Heart to Hara in Pune, India

The mind reasons, the heart feels, the hara trusts. If you are in the head, you think. If you are in the heart, you vibrate with love, feeling. If you are in the hara, suddenly all stops, all is quiet and silent.

Using meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets, you will experience moving from the head to the heart and from the heart to the hara; from thinking to feeling to being.
Playing with these techniques will give you the secret of how to use them in your daily life.

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OSHO Mystic Rose 21 days in Pune, India
to Mar 31

OSHO Mystic Rose 21 days in Pune, India

Laughter, Tears, and Silence

For 21 days:

  • Laugh for 3 hours a day for 7 days,

  • Cry for 3 hours a day for 7 days, and then

  • Sit Silently, for 3 hours a day for 7 days.

The course includes OSHO Dynamic Meditation for the 3rd week and is optional for the first two weeks. Also included, every day, is OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting.

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Chakra Journey 1 day in Pune, India

Chakra Journey 1 day in Pune, India

Experience your seven chakras or energy centers. Find out which you feel at home in, which you can expand, and how to bring them from complexity to harmony.
Using Osho’s guidance on the subtle energy body as a map we will explore the 7 chakras through different meditations and exercises. The aim is to leave the mind aside and experience directly and subjectively the flavour and qualities of each chakra – to enhance our sensitivity and awareness of their subtle energies.

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A day for the heart in Pune, India

A day for the heart in Pune, India

The mind has its uses, but we have forgotten that it has an off switch and the still small voice of the heart is often overlooked. Heart is another name for no-mind, a space of awareness that sees life direct, free of preconceptions and judgments. A Day for the Heart is an escape from the mind and all its complexities – a time to fall in tune with the simplicity that is the heart. We will play with techniques from Osho, that we can use in everyday life to stay in touch with the heart, an intelligence that is uncontaminated by ego, with mind as a servant.

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Himalayan Heart Experience in OSHO Himalayas
to Apr 21

Himalayan Heart Experience in OSHO Himalayas

A 4-day course to discover the mysteries of the heart.

  • Learn heart-based ways to connect and communicate. Simple tools to stay grounded and centered.

  • Get in touch with your feelings and emotions. Connect to your natural joy and playfulness.

  • Deep synchronicity with life and others. Grow resilience for daily life challenges.

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Centering in the Heart in OSHO Afroz in Greece
to Jul 11

Centering in the Heart in OSHO Afroz in Greece

Being centred in the heart is the foundation for living authentically, free from judgment and conditioning, and discovering who we are, moment by moment.

  • Duration: 3 Days (5.5 hours each day)

  • Focus: Getting centred in the heart and cultivating self-awareness

  • Techniques: Meditation, dance, painting, synchronicity, and group sharing

This is module 1 of the Energy Reading Training Program.

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Monsoon Festival in Pune, India
to Aug 15

Monsoon Festival in Pune, India

The magical monsoon in Pune, India, bathes the lush green surroundings of the OSHO International Meditation Resort with a new sparkle. During this period, meditation attains a unique depth and celebration, a new height. This event is an excellent opportunity for visitors worldwide to participate in the intense energy field. It incorporates Osho’s unique vision of blending meditation and celebration.

During the festival, no less than 71 programs will be offered on the sprawling premises of the meditation resort, such as various revolutionary OSHO meditations, morning classes of Tai Chi and Chi Gong, and Live music meditations by renowned musicians. 

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Awareness Intensive in Pune, India
to Feb 24

Awareness Intensive in Pune, India

A time to focus your total energy on the most fundamental question of all. Who am I?

When you are repeatedly asked the modern koan: “Who is in?” and answer in the moment, an awareness of the way you identify with the personality starts to develop. Once this is experienced and understood, you shift toward your being, to the center of witnessing. Taste the profound joy and relaxation of being beyond the mind.

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