From unconsciousness to consciousness: the path to freedom
“One has to feel the chakras, not know about them. You have to feel; you have to send feelers inside yourself. Only when you feel your chakras, and your kundalini and its passage, is it helpful; otherwise, it is not helpful.” Osho
Experience your seven chakras or energy centers. Find out which you feel at home in, which you can expand, and how to bring them from complexity to harmony.
Using Osho’s guidance on the subtle energy body as a map we will explore the 7 chakras through different meditations and exercises. The aim is to leave the mind aside and experience directly and subjectively the flavor and qualities of each chakra – to enhance our sensitivity and awareness of their subtle energies.
Moving from the horizontal to the vertical
“In a moment of meditation, you suddenly see that you can move in two directions – either horizontal or vertical. The vertical consists of silences, blissfulness, ecstasies; the horizontal consists of hands, work, the world.” Osho
To live horizontally – focussed outward – means to live in the world of competition, of achievement, – a world where one desire after another fails to deliver more than momentary satisfaction.
To live in the vertical dimension is to live in the here and now, moving freely and spontaneously between the different levels of your being. Accepting yourself at every level brings you to wholeness and peace.
“Wherever you are on the horizontal line, there are millions of things ahead of you to achieve, and whatever you can achieve, still there will be millions of things to achieve. So everybody remains a beggar – everybody without exception.” Osho
Exploring the Chakras will help you to understand yourself better, to free up your aliveness and to move from automatic, unconscious behavior towards more conscious choices. You will recognize the immense possibilities of living life in the vertical – from the perspective of the here and now.
Awareness techniques that can be used in your daily life
A greater awareness of yourself and how you relate to the world
To trust your intuition
An experiential understanding of the subtle energy body and the chakras and how they are affecting your perspective on life at any given time
Greater sensitivity to yourself and others
The power of a loving awareness to transform your life
All necessary materials will be provided
Group sharing
Q&A with your facilitator
Techniques you can use in your daily life
Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may help you at this stage of your journey
“You will look the same, but you will not be the same. Those who have a clarity of seeing, to them you will not look the same either. And at least for yourself, you will never look the same. And you can never be the same. You will be in the world, but the world will not be in you.
“Ambitions, desires, jealousies will start evaporating. No effort will be needed to drop them, just your movement on the vertical line and they start disappearing because they cannot exist on the vertical line. They can exist only in the darkness of the horizontal, where everybody is in competition, everybody is full of lust, full of will to power, a great desire to dominate, to become somebody special.” Osho
OSHO International Meditation Resort
Meditation center in Pune, India