Meditative living is about being able to be with and respond to all aspects of life

Meditation in action

Welcome to the Institute for Meditative Living where the untouchable qualities of presence and responsability are brought into daily life

Imagine living life not being constantly in the mind construct. Not constantly being busy with becoming someone. Not being identified with the voices we hear in our head. Not being busy with becoming better, wanting more or being happier. Imagine living life not trying to avoid suffering, pain or anything negative.

Living life how we have been conditioned to by society for decades, is like walking through life on one leg. To only want the good and the perfection. Walking through life on just one leg does not allow us to life fully.

Living a meditative life does not mean a life without suffering. Suffering is part of life. We can’t control what happens to us. It is the way we cope with the pain and suffering, that determines the quality of our lives. Living a meditative life means living a life of intensity, because we do not have preferences for the good over the bad, but have the ability to be with what whatever arises.

Living meditatively is a process of allowing things to happen rather than changing, fighting or numbing. It is about being present and becoming aware, and from that conscious state being able to respond to any moment or situation from a place of intuitive knowing that gives us clear direction on how to move and where to go. The Institute of Meditative Living intends for people to find this place within themselves and to start living from it.  

The mission of the Institute of Meditative Living is to take meditation out of the monasteries. To make life a meditation. To take meditation away from the separation it has created for a long time. You had to renounce the world in the past. But meditation doesn’t belong to the monasateries alone. Life should become a meditation. To bring that quality into action, so that we can find freedom and aliveness in every experience.

Meditation is not a limitation or dogma, it is a vehicle for expansion into freedom and aliveness


Meditation is not just a theoretical thing, a concept, a tool or a means to an end, it is rather a lived experience. Day in and day out. Meditative living is the foundation of inner growth. In meditation there is no need for therapy. Therapy is there to heal, to change, to fix. It is an experiencing of being present, of accepting and of become whole. The services of the Institute of Meditative Living do not intend to heal, they intend to support people in connecting to their own inner resource that will enable them to deal with whatever life throws at them.

Individual sessions

Individual sessions are for those who would like to work intimately together and who look for longer term guidance. After a first initial session, we decide upon the theme, direction and period of the individual coaching program. The intention of an individual coaching program is to (re)connect to your own center by allowing everything that is in the way to be held and felt in a safe container and to drop down deeper into your own intuitive wisdom.


The training programs are designed for people who have the intention to support other people in their process of inner growth. The Energy Reading Training Program of 2025 is there to learn to help bring unconscious patterns to light in yourself and others in order to gain clarity and freedom from the past and respond to life more intuitively. A training is an intimate group process and consists of multiple modules spread throughout the year to deepen and integrate the teachings in your own body and life in a profound way.

OSHO Meditative Therapies

Since years Nadeen is a lead facilitator at the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, and facilitates trainings and workshops all around the world. He is trained to facilitate all of the OSHO Meditative Therapies as well as a wide variety of therapies and meditation techniques, including energy reading, breathwork, family constellation, gestalt, hypnosis, and many more. These are all group processes with a tremendous potential for personal transformation. Check out the workshops and groups in 2025.

Approach to meditative living

Our minds are very powerful and we should absolutely use this center of intelligence in our daily lives. However, it should not be the one in the driver’s seat. When the mind runs the show, we get caught up in conditioning, in comparison and ultimately, we live in a fear frequency all the time.

The approach to living a meditative life, is one from the heart and from intuition. The Institute of Meditative Living and the living experiences that it offers with its services, intends to help people connect to the heart. It is in the heart where we can find self-acceptance. The heart speaks the language of allowing, where everything is possible and welcome and there is no problem. It connects us to an untouchable place within ourselves that can always be our resource, no matter how crazy the world outside of us becomes. From this empty, untouchable place of the heart, doors open to our power center - the hara - of which intuition is the language and authentic power and responsibility are the natural byproducts of living from that place.

Bringing meditation in action means living daily life from the heart and hara, which means being present to and taking responsibility for each moment that arises.

  • Nadeen has a very unique way of sharing his wisdom. His work feels like a warm invitation


  • Here another quote from someone who has experienced your work

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  • Here another quote from someone who has experienced your work

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  • Here another quote from someone who has experienced your work

    Quote source

About Nadeen

Nadeen Eilert Rössler was born in Germany and has always been motivated by his interest of an authentic, intimate encounter with our real nature, our inner truth.

He was initiated by Osho in 1988 and since then he has dedicated his life to exploring how spiritual understanding can become a living truth, inspired by the vision of the master that integrates meditation into day-to-day life.

He was trained in various Mystery Schools, several Therapies and Meditation Techniques as well as Osho Meditative Therapies. He is one of the main facilitator at the Osho Multiversity in Pune.

Next to his devotion and commitment to share OSHO’s legacy and work, Nadeen has also always felt the strong calling to work with people intimately. With his love and feeling for energy work, he has developed his own trainings and loves to guide people one-on-one for a longer time.